Esemplare obbedienza: il vescovo Madison sorprende

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Chiesa

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Le parole commoventi di un Vescovo americano insegnano a tutti noi cosa sia l’obbedienza.

An excerpt from an interview with the Bishop of Madison, Robert C. Morlino, in The Wisconsin State Journal, November 2, 2007.

"I suppose I would put it this way: Pope Benedict just wrote to us bishops a letter not long ago about the permission for the Traditional Latin Mass.

He said, ‘I know some of you bishops have agonized year after year about whether or not to permit this,’ and I’ve been one of those. I was the only bishop in Wisconsin who did not permit the Traditional Latin Mass for what I thought were good reasons.

And the Pope wrote and said, ‘I want to relieve you of the responsibility of all of that prudential pondering, so I’m making the decision.’ He saw that as a service, and I accepted it as a service.

I was the only bishop in Wisconsin not to permit the Traditional Latin Mass, and now, in obedience, I will be the first bishop in Wisconsin to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass."
